the vacants punk rock

Der Hardcore-Punk (zumeist einfach Hardcore oder HC abgekürzt) entstand Ende der 1970er Jahre in den USA und unabhängig davon in Großbritannien als radikalere und
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Rave Up records is a new label that discovers old nuggets from the golden age of punk rock. In November 1999 we started with a series of albums dedicated to US punk
Recherchez un concert. Introduisez ici le nom de votre artiste favori ou concert. La recherche s'enclenche automatiquement.
Punk Business Manager
DIE or D.I.Y.?
the vacants punk rock
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Celebrate the Dilettantes* of DIY!Forget the world outside,and indulge your ears in the sounds 'they' want to supress.There are no 'Stars' here save ourselves.
UPDATED 1.30.2013 A.D.'s "Know Hard Feelings" LP (Albany, NY- Blue Lunch, 1987) Black Flag- 1980 live shows with "guest singers" during the post-Chavo and pre-Dez period
Este es un Blog dedicado a publicar discos de Punk Rock y New Wave extranjeros editados en España principalmente entre 1976 y 1986
the vacants punk rock
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